Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola (grain-free)

If you’re a lover of making beautiful smoothie bowls, or yogurt bowls this Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola is going to be perfect for you. It is the perfect addition to any breakfast or snack and I’m not kidding when I say it’s delicious. It’s full of healthy nuts and packed with flavour. I like to make my granola grain-free because it’s easier on your digestion, especially in the morning time. It makes for a lighter and healthier granola and tastes even better. I love to have this Cinnamon Coconut Granola in a bowl with some greek yogurt, fresh fruit and some nut butter and oh my gosh its good. Sometimes I’ll even use it to make some kind of dessert, yes it’s that good. I can’t wait for you to try it.

What You’ll Need …

One of my favourite parts about this granola is that it’s completely made with healthy and delicious nuts and seeds that will help fuel your body for the day. Every time I make it I always end up adding in a different nut or seed depending on what I have at the time so feel free to get creative or adjust it to your personal liking. Have fun with it! My other favourite part is the dried berries that you can add! I don’t know about you but I love dried fruits, they add so much flavour to this granola. Goji Berries are what I typically add. Not only are they delicious, but they are also SO GOOD for you. They are loaded with antioxidants that do wonders for your skin, body and mind. I have also added in dried cranberries and apricots before too. An important note is to add your dried fruits AFTER your granola has come out of the oven, otherwise they will likely turn hard and crisp in the oven. I have made this mistake before lol.

Below is a list of what I add to this Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola. After I have gathered what I am adding I simply place all the nuts and seeds together in a large bowl and start to combine everything, making sure to leave out your goji berries or any other dried fruit until your granola has come out of the oven. Make sure to chop your larger nuts slightly to make your granola more crumbled.

Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola



macadamia nuts


pumpkin seeds

hemp seeds

flax seeds

dried coconut

coconut oil

raw cacao




goji berries or dried fruit (add in at the end)

Baking Your Delicious Nutritious Cinnamon Coconut Granola

After you have added all your chopped up nuts and seeds combine them together in a large bowl. You can now add your coconut oil, honey, cacao, and vanilla. I also add in a pinch of sea salt. Mix that until everything is combined and until the granola has a nice beautiful chocolatey coating. You will be able to smell the cinnamon and coconut, and oh my gosh it is one of my most favourite smells. Just wait until you put it in the oven. It smells heavenly. The cacao adds the most perfect chocolatey taste and the honey naturally sweetens its perfectly. Your oven should be set to 325 degrees, and you will bake it for about 12-15 minutes. So now spread your mixed granola on a lined baking sheet and place it in the oven.

When your granola is done baking it should be a beautiful light brown golden colour, and everything will look coated and almost shiny. It’s so beautiful really. I let my granola cool for about 10 minutes to let chunks form together then I will lightly mix in the dried berries I have chosen. I also add a couple more pinches of sea salt to get the sweet & salty combo. Now that your granola is done YAY, you can be as creative as you want when it comes to eating it! Like I said my favourite way is in a greek yogurt bowl. I like to add fresh or frozen blueberries, more toasted coconut of course, and anything else I am feeling. Nut butter, dark chocolate chips, fresh fruit, coconut yogurt and honey drizzles are all ways I like to serve it. You can’t go wrong with anything really. Honestly some times I just eat the granola straight out of the jar because it’s that good.

I hope you love one of my all-time favourite breakfasts! This Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola will not disappoint and I can’t wait for you to try it for yourself! Here is a video of me making mine (not sure why the video picture is enlarged like that lol)! XX

Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola

Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola

This Grain-Free Chocolatey Cinnamon Coconut Granola is the perfect addition to any yogurt or smoothie bowl and is highly addictive. Eat it as a snack or make it a part of your morning breakfast routine, or just eat it straight out of the jar as I do! Its naturally sweetened taste and chocolatey hints will make you fall in love! Enjoy!
Course Breakfast, Snack
Keyword Grain-Free, Granola
Prep Time 10 minutes
Servings 12


  • ½ cup pecans
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • cup macadamia nuts
  • cup halved almonds
  • cup dried coconut strips
  • cup pumpkin seeds
  • 3 tbsp hemp seeds & flax seeds
  • cup melted coconut oil
  • 2-3 tbsp raw cacao
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp melted honey or soft
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 pinch sea salt (after and before oven)
  • ¼ cup goji berries or other dried fruits (after oven)


  • Preheat oven to 325°.
  • Crush and chop all your nuts to the desired size then place your nuts & seeds together in a large bowl. Leaving out any dried fruits until after the oven.
  • Melt your coconut oil and honey if not soft and runny and pour over the nuts and seeds. Now add your cinnamon, salt, cacao, and vanilla. Mix until the granola has a beautiful coating.
  • Place your granola on a lined baking sheet and place it in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Granola should have a golden brown colour and look slightly crisp when it is done.
  • Let it cool for about 10 minutes to allow chunks to form. Now add your dried goji berries and serve however you desire.

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