Your Spiritual DNA

You have something so special about you that makes you different than anyone else, something that absolutely nobody has, but you. And yes of course in terms of what we are taught about DNA we are all slightly different in terms of our genetic programming, BUT I’m going beyond here. I’m talking about realizing what makes you, you. The things that you came here to do, that no one else can. It’s not even about ‘spirituality’ if that doesn’t resonate with you, I’m talking about the specific, unique, undeniable value and power that you hold just by being you. Recognize that you hold all the power to create the life that you want to live, and you get to do that by becoming who you truly are. When I say spiritual DNA, it really just means that spark you have, that you were given, that you’re meant to show to the world, those things that light you up, those ideas that you have, your truest desires! That is your spiritual DNA expressing itself, you can’t ignore this! It’s written within you, it’s literally written in the DNA of who you came here to be. It’s your soul expressing itself, and it’s all about allowing yourself to align with it. It’s about allowing yourself to fully embody who you are, and the ideas and dreams you have. It’s something that no one can take away from you, but it’s up to us to fully uncover what that looks and feels like and trust our inner voice to guide us there.

I’m learning that it comes from unraveling all the versions of ourselves that we try to hold onto because we think its who we ‘have’ to be in order to survive. That’s an illusion. We have been conditioned out of this truth and knowing over time. At your core, in your deepest knowing, I know that you know you have a big purpose, if you’re reading this, this far, I know you do. There is a light within you, a really bright one, that is shining so bright, and there is something so special about you. There’s nothing to search for, you don’t need any improvements or alterations, it’s already within you. You already are who you need to be. Just something quick I had to tell you if you were lead here to this message. Tell yourself this everyday….


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