My Morning Green Juice

My morning green Juice has 100% been a game changer for me! I started drinking fresh pressed juice in the morning on an empty stomach religiously for the past couple months and wow! My digestion, bloating, gut health, and skin have all been so optimal! Just from incorporating this into my mornings I have noticed a huge difference throughout my day with minimal bloating and much smoother digestion time! It’s the perfect way to kickstart your day and get your digestion system in optimal functioning to keep you feeling light and energized as you move through your day! I can’t wait for you to try it! There are so many incredible benefits to drinking fresh pressed green juice, any fresh juice for that matter, here are some of them.

Health Benefits of My Morning Green Juice
  • kick starts digestion, reduces bloating throughout the day
  • anti-inflammatory
  • keeps you energized and feeling light (balancing PH levels right in the am)
  • nutrients from all the greens goes straight into into your bloodstream (hello never aging skin!!!)
  • this bright colour green is such a high vibration to consume in your body and energetic field (colour of the heart charka)
  • green vegetables produce chlorophyll, it’s how they get there beautiful green colour! Chlorophyll helps your body clear out toxins by oxygenating your blood and improving circulation!

Making My Morning Green Juice

This green juice is seriously so easy and the vegetables and fruits I use can easily be interchangeable with what you have to work with or what you personally prefer! I like to use the following because I find it really works best for me, and I love the colour green that it has! I know this might seem weird but I actually crave this in the mornings, haha it might take a bit to get used to at first but your body knows how amazing and beneficial it is to you!



Kale ( or romain lettuce)

Green Apples


Lemons & Limes


I begin by washing and chopping everything down slightly so it’s a bit easier to juice! if you don’t have a juicer that is totally ok, there are lots of recipes or ways you can do this in your blender and still get amazing benefits! Here is one recipe that requires no juicer and is very similar to mine actually!

I try to make as much as I can in one juicing, and I fill up these beautiful large mason jars so they are ready to go for me to pour in the mornings! I go through it pretty fast so I have been juicing a ton lately, especially in the warmer weather I will be doing this lots! I want to share some more juicing recipes with you guys as well, I’m thinking Beet & Apple and then Orange, Carrot & Ginger! Those colours would be so pretty, and taste amazing! Let me know what your favourite juicing recipes are, and if your loving to have green juice to start off your day too!

My Morning Green Juice Recipe

My Morning Green Juice

Boost your digestion and energy right away with this incredible and nourishing morning green juice! This will not only help your digestion, but will keep you feeling light and energized as you move through your day!
Course Drinks
Keyword Fresh Juice, Green Juice
Prep Time 10 minutes


  • 1 Juicer or blender (refer to blog)


  • 1 bunch celery
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 2 bunches kale or romain lettuce
  • 4-5 green apples
  • 1-2 large cucumbers
  • 2 lemons & limes
  • 1 chunk ginger


  • Wash and prep your veggies and fruits, slightly cutting them down to easily be juiced! Once your done juicing, store in glass mason jars, refrigerate and enjoy every morning or at your liking!


See reference recipe for no juicer required option

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