How to Get Into Creative Flow

Creating and being creative, one thing that we most often forget to allow ourselves to just naturally do. I mean creating is in our nature. Sometimes we even allow ourselves to believe that maybe we just aren’t creative, or maybe we just lost our spark of creativity, or that you have no good ideas, or maybe you didn’t even know you have the ability to create everything you desire. It’s okay to think these things, but just know they aren’t true. Somewhere along your journey that creative spark got covered up a little bit, and that’s exactly why I’m writing this for you. So that you can stop blocking yourself from your own creative and creator power, because those are the exact thoughts that are limiting you to begin with. Because like it or not, you are actually always creating, you are creating with your thoughts and beliefs whether your conscious of that or not its, just the truth. We are creators just by the words we speak. Isn’t that crazy? You can decide to become a conscious creator and use this to your advantage, and channel these natural creative abilities into ways that align with you, what you love, and what inspires you. You will be shocked at just how creative and inspired you really are when you remove those limiting beliefs and replace them with your known natural ability to create. Embodying your creative self can be easy and effortless, as it should be, we are most often the ones stopping us from getting into this creative flow state.

You already naturally embody your own essence of creativity and creation, you just have to be willing to let that shine, which can be challenging when more times than not we are actually in our own way. It can be easy for our inner creator and creative abilities to get blocked as we grow up. When we are kids this is where it is truly expressed, where we didn’t even have to think about being creative we just were, but as we get older certain jobs, school, routines, beliefs, can keep us stuck and we unfortunately strip ourselves of this truth over time. But the truth is you have the ability to tap back into the most creative version of yourself at anytime, and in fact the universe wants to support you in doing so.

I am so passionate about creativity and being creative because it’s always been something that has felt so good to me and it’s that sweet spot where you can get into flow and allow this to call in your true desire and dreams. But as anyone, I have gone through times where I’ve felt like it was impossible to get creative, or had no idea how to even channel my creativity into something that was aligned with myself, but it’s all a part of the process! Here is how I realign with my creative power and what I remember when it comes to overcoming any creative block and getting back into that creative flow state!

How to Get Into Creative Flow

Trust the Creative Eb and Flow Process

First things first, don’t get stuck on the block itself and stress about why it’s there and place your energy into controlling it. I’ve had to remind myself multiples times that you won’t be inspired all the time. Just acknowledge it’s there but know your moving past it, setting the intention to welcome in new inspiration and creative aligned action. There is a natural flow to creativity, hence creative flow, so it’s so normal to go through phases of the ebb and flow process here. Embrace the ebb stage that you may be in. Relaxing knowing that it’s allowing you to pull something new in, calling you into the next phase of the flow process. This is the time where you can refresh yourself, cleanse your creative spaces & tools with intention, and really get ready to call in what is coming for you, and to be ready to listen to what inspiration you will receive next!

Get Out of the Way

One of the biggest creative blocks we are most often facing is ourselves, by the view we have on our creative abilities, or the beliefs that it’s hard to think of good ideas, or ways to be creative, or that you’re not good enough at what you’re creating or doing. If this is you, I’m so glad because I’m here to tell you that none of these stories you tell yourself are actually true. They are just blocking you from tapping into that creative side you know you have, so stop it okay! Every time these thoughts come up and you are really feeling creative blocks, whatever it may be for, observe them. Then choose to let them go, and replace them with something different like, “I am open to new ideas”, or “I am a clear channel for creative & successful ideas”. Remember to just get out of the way, you will be surprised at how something as simple as this will open you to new inspiration.

Play with Art

Allow what inspires you to flow through you, rather than trying to control it. Sometimes this means creating just for the sake of creating with no expectation or desired outcome. This is what allows you to really effortlessly create, when you aren’t trying to control it. Painting, drawing, dancing, signing, sewing, designing, cooking, baking, playing instruments, anything that feels like fun just for the sake of doing it without expectations will put you into the energy of feminine energy (sex does not matter in terms of feminine energy we all have it). Feminine energy is key when getting into that creative flow state and will lead you to aligned creative inspiration for what you desire. You don’t need to be ‘good’ at any of these to play with art. Anytime I feel blocked around creativity, I ask myself the last time I actually just had fun with creating and art, and I start to shift how I’m creating and go back to the simple joy of it even if it means stepping away from the larger projects you may be working on to get re-inspired! Pick up a paintbrush, or some fabric, doodle, colour! You will unlock your creativity naturally and maybe surprise yourself!


The best part about creativity and creation is knowing that you’re not doing it alone, I mean you have the entire universe willing to transpire in your creative favour, you’re constantly in co-creation with the universe and as soon as you can understand this you will never have fear in your creative abilities. The universe wants to support you in doing what you love, what inspires you, because that’s your light, your talents. There is a reason why you have them, and if you can follow where they lead you the universe is always working with you! View your life as art, and you will see you get to co-create it however you like through your actions, intentions, beliefs, and feelings. After all, we all are products of divine inspiration, and all your ideas are channeled from a higher source. The universe wants to give you that multi-million dollar idea, it’s right there waiting for you. So allow it it to come through your co-creation partner, by understanding you will always receive divine inspired guidance when you align with the knowing of co-creation!

You’re about to get your next creative idea, it’s coming! Allow it to flow through you! So much love xx


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