How to Curate an Aesthetic Capsule Closet

Something I have definitely learned over the years with my love for clothes and fashion is that seriously sometimes less is more, and to not hoard items or buy items that I don’t fully love! I see so much value in the pieces that you absolutely love and inspire you and I find that more times than not we always gravitate towards these items in our closets anyways! If you end up with so many items in your closet that you just don’t love and you can’t seem to style with anything than creating a capsule wardrobe is definitely going to help you step up for fashion and style game! So what is the purpose or meaning of a capsule wardrobe anyway? Well I like to think of it as a beautiful collection of aesthetically pleasing clothing that represent you and your style, that you just love! In other words a curated collection of clothing items that are versatile yet cohesive and allow you to create multiple outfits for whatever your fashion needs are, so its very specific to you! Mastering your personal style and having the dream closet that perfectly matches that is totally doable, but it does take time and conscious effort on how you like to style! And the fastest way to getting there is by curating an aesthetic capsule wardrobe that represents you and your unique style! I don’t know about you, but when I look into my closet I love to feel inspired, excited and in love with my clothes and looks, and that’s exactly what creating an aesthetic capsule wardrobe will do for you too!

What is a Capsule Closet

Okay so again let’s go over this one more time, what does it mean to have an aesthetic capsule wardrobe? Simply it just means that your closet and clothing items fundamentally compliment one another and that you’re able to make numerous outfits that can be worn in different ways. For me that is the dream! Styling all your favourite pieces in different ways! You don’t have to have a HUGE closet full of items in order to dress stylish and fun, it’s all about how you piece everything together and how it flows! Also, understand that there’s not a rule book, or certain items you must have to having an amazing capsule wardrobe, it really is all up to you and your style and how well you can feel in your own aesthetic! The point of this is to create a wardrobe that you feel excited about and that makes sense to you! Below I’m going to talk about the tips and systems I follow that have helped me create my capsule closet and wardrobe over the years and how it has allowed me to master my personal sense of style! I’m so excited, let talk about clothes!!!

Ways to Curate an Aesthetic Capsule Closet

Clean out Your Closet

I can’t stress this one enough and it’s definitely one hack that gets overlooked when it comes to creating an overall aesthetic feeling with our clothes and wardrobe in general! I know personally I have been neglecting this task and it’s definitely messing with the vibe of my closet and clothes recently so it’s definitely going to make such a difference when I do a reorganization/purge of my closet! It’s just such a good feeling when you have gone through all your clothes and decluttered it, you literally feel lighter! I know so often we ignore this part of the process or we just cling onto clothing items that we think we are going to wear, but in reality we aren’t wearing a lot of these items anymore! Here is why this is the most important step when creating or beginning your aesthetic capsule closet, it gives you the opportunity to get to know everything you have, everything you love, everything you don’t love. It essentially creates a ‘mood board’ so to speak of your wardrobe and helps you to know what to add or what to incorporate into your wardrobe to fit with this! You will get the general gist of what you are missing or lacking with your current selection whether that is some more colour, more basics, or more unique items. It’s really about how you feel and see yourself when you’re looking at your clothes. Imagine what you would want to go and grab. What items do you wish you had more of? Which items or pieces are you staying not liking? What styles do you gravitate towards? This is the time to get to know what items inspire you, what items feel good to have in your closet, and what items you want to add! Even if you think something as simple as going through your closet isn’t going to help you get to know your sense of style better you will be surprised, you will be very inspired if you let yourself be! So many fashion/style ideas and visions come to me during this process, I love doing this!

Know what YOU Love & Follow it

Okay this brings us to the next step, and it is just as equally important as step one. It will become really clear after you clean out your closet where you need to take your next steps, which is becoming in love with your clothes! After you have spent some time getting to know your closet, what you need or don’t need, what new items you want to start looking for, you will start to get to know what you authentically like and your own personal style will show through! You will notice patterns or trends, or certain styles or looks that you gravitate towards more, it just kind of happens naturally if you let it! This is where the magic begins to happen, the items you chose or that inspire you just begin to seamlessly flow together as what we love begins to create art in our clothes and wardrobes. This is where a lot of people tend to fall short in the fashion world because it can be so busy and intimidating that our own uniqueness can get lost trying to be a clone of someones else’s style or aesthetic, or we don’t try at all to let our own style show through. And yes of course, we can utilize others as inspiration, it’s so important to always remind yourself that no one knows your sense of style or what looks or feel good better than you do! The more you trust yourself with the direction and aesthetic of your wardrobe, the more artistic, beautiful and trendy it will be because it’s coming from you! Trust me!

My biggest advice when creating your own unique aesthetic capsule closet is to seriously listen to what pulls you and what makes you excited to wear. These are the items that you know as soon as you see them, that in some way they just work for you and your style!

Focus on your Staples + Inspirations

By now you have given some thought and energy into your closet/clothes and your style and you know what your loving and feeling. This is where it gets fun because this leads you to knowing what your staple items are or will be, or what I call your basics, which are pieces or styles of clothing you frequently wear. It can be that you have multiple colours of it, or similar concepts just different styles, but it’s those pieces you always grab and love to style. This is amazing because this is what creates your aesthetic capsule closet, and allows it all to flow. As you begin to build your wardrobe from this place of knowing what you love, you will find that most of your pieces become staples in your wardrobe, and you have a lot of the same types of pieces and styles. Some of my staples are the variety of styled jeans I have collected that I can style in so many ways, or the oversized coats and jackets trend I have created in my closet. For example, I know that I love to create and style looks with a fun jean, and then always have a cute throw over jacket/coat (depending on season) to layer over top. So two staples for me based off of that are my jean collection, and jacket and coat collection. Staples are also crucial because you can use them to help build and create numerous outfits, so having 2-3 main staple groups is a good start! With that been said pretty much every article of clothing is a staple collection for me, I just love to have a curated collection of all of them, but that’s definitely not necessary!

Staying inspired and creative when it comes to curating and adding to my closet is a must! Staying inspired and creative about my wardrobe allows me to really feel if items belong rather than buying one off items that don’t really flow! I do this many ways and really I’m doing it all the time without even knowing! Pinterest is an amazing way to get inspired and creative when it comes to fashion, I use it every day and you can check out my Fashion Board Here! Also just by people watching, noticing styles and trends, and picking up on peoples aesthetics you can receive so much personal inspiration you just have to be open!

Create Your Own Self-Trends

Naturally each one of us has our own creative aesthetic and unique style, and clothes and fashion is just one of the many ways humans showcase their talents and artistic abilities. What’s so amazing and fun to me about clothes and fashion is that if you let yourself, naturally by learning and leaning into what inspires you and what you like, you literally get to create your very own trend or aesthetic within your wardrobe. And no two wardrobes will ever look the same! So just know that you can naturally create your aesthetic capsule closet just by leaning into what feels and looks good to you, getting to know your own unique sense of style. When your style and aesthetic shows through your clothes and begins to flow and create an overarching theme together, it will truly be coming from a place of internal inspiration and creativity. This is why I get excited when I look into my closet, or think of the next outfits to style together, because I feel as though I have created my own set of self-trends (is this a word haha?) that I love and follow within my clothes that represent my own ‘vibe’ or aesthetic! I just feel like my clothes and my closet is my own personal gallery. If you know, then you know haha! So most importantly to take away from this is that it always comes from you! Focus on what you love and what inspires you and your clothes and style with represent just that! I wrote a whole blog about my everyday self-trends you can read about that here!

Ahhhh I love talking about clothes! Let me know in the comments below any of your tips or ideas on creating an aesthetic capsule closet and how you stay inspired when it comes to your wardrobe and fashion!

Easton XX

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