Colour Scheming

How I Style & Create My Looks With Colour & Shades

You know what I absolutely adore about fashion? Is that it feels like creating art to me, i’m serious. I love it so much because it’s totally my favourite creative outlet in the whole world. Oh and cooking! Fashion allows me to feel like my body is the canvas and I use it to create looks, statements or certain styles! I love to do this through the colours, patterns, details, and accessories in any look! Sometimes my styling and colouring approaches are more significant in some looks than others, but I always find myself following the same type of colour scheming and layout process in most of my looks! I’m in love with so many different types of colour combos and coordinations, but one of my faves has to be the soft and subtle colour combos of whites, lights and creams! Especially transitioning from the fall season to the snowy white winter season and this look was inspired by just that! I love to use colour and shade combinations in my looks to help create more depth and understanding, and I’ll explain to you how I style my looks and what I think about in terms of colour styling and colour combinations!

Colour Scheming

When I first started getting into fashion, design and clothes which was forever ago, (I remember being like 8 years old and daydreaming about outfits and fashion and what I would be wearing when I was older) I was firstly really into colour and shades. I used to collect paint samples and take them home from home hardware or paint stores and put together colour booklets of different schemes and pallets without even really realizing I was doing it! I would pick all the ones that looked the nicest together and pretent as though I was designing. If thats not a huge sign from the universe fashion is it for me I don’t know what is lol! Okay so what exactly do I mean by colour scheming? Colour scheming to me is a group of colours, or some sort of planned arrangement of colours that are meant to be seen as working as a whole, or in other words that they flow all together! For this outfit I chose a very basic and neutral colour scheme, beige and grey!

Colour Combinations

I love doing colour combos in my looks! Whether its the whole outfit or just an added accessory to match a certain piece, I love when looks have colour combinations! You can have so much fun with this! Whether or not your super into fashion, this can help elevate anyones looks and style! Colour combinations in your looks can help add some boldness and make you think outside the box when it comes to accessories! In this look I colour combo’d the grey sweater and grey hat, and I think it was the perfect way to finish of this outfit! I love this hat! It’s such a cute added accessory and bonus that it was the perfect colour match to this sweater!

Colour Contrasts

Opposite to colour combinations where two or more colours match within one look, you have colour contrasting which I also love to play with when styling! Colour contrast means the way colours are differentiated from one another, this can be in terms of their hue, temperature, saturation or value… probably more too! I usually just look at it in terms of how well colours contrast each other overall, for example, the shades black and white! They have the greatest contrast of value, meaning the difference between the lightness and darkness of a colour! Its why they can compliment one another so well in many scenarios! You can also colour contrast colour combos by using both light and dark shades playing with their contrast of values! This would be under your colour scheme of a look! See how it all plays together! I love it!

Neutral or Bold

Usually when it comes to colours and shades in my looks I know right away if I’m going for something bold or if I’m going for something more neutral and chic. This helps me decide whether or not a certain look will have a pop of colour or not, or if I’m going to stick with a black and white colour contrast. With this outfit I knew I was going to keep the colour scheme on the neutral and light side with the beige and grey, so I also incorporated a slight colour contrast of the black shoe to contrast the beige pants! I loved how this worked, and added a little bit of boldness without the need for colour! If I’m going for a more colourful look, of if my look has a colour in it, thats when I’ll use more vibrant and bold colours! Like this look here, I love this one as well!

I love playing with colours and shades in my looks and in my wardrobe, I hope I inspired you to play with it more in your looks as well! Fashion is just the best! Chat soon!

East xx

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