Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls

Coooookie Dough. These taste like literal Cookie Dough you guys! You have to try these Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls right now I’m not kidding! They are the perfect energy boosting protein ball when you need a quick little snack, or something to grab in the morning on your way out the door, or simply when you feel like eating cookie dough that is actually good for you and made with great, wholesome ingredients! If you know me you know who much I love chickpeas, they are a fabulous source of protein and are so versatile in the kitchen! It’s crazy to think that they are the main ingredient in these Protein Balls, they add extra protein into your day and will help keep you full and sustained for longer! I also add in a very clean plant based protein powder which adds even more protein to these babies! I will get into all the delicious details on how to make these incredibly addicting Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls below! I hope you fall in love with this recipe, I know I have!

Making the Cookie Dough

These Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls couldn’t be easier to make trust me! I can whip up a batch in no time! Under 5 minutes total! What is great about this recipe is that you can even just make it when you are craving something sweet, like cookie dough haha! My sister and I will make this and just have some of the batter right away, then make the remaining left overs (if there is any) to keep for on the go protein balls! It is seriously so yummy and addicting and made with the following ingredients that are clean and simple! All you will need for this is a food processor or a blender! Blend all the ingredients together in your food processor until everything is combined and you get a beautiful creamy thick texture just like cookie dough! Make sure to taste the batter and alter it depending on your taste, if you want it a little sweeter add some more maple syrup or honey or if it’s too thick just add some more peanut butter! You can’t really go wrong with any of these ingredients so you can play around with it a bit. You just want to make sure it’s not too sticky so that you can’t make it into balls. So just be careful with that, and just add in some more almond flour if yours is too sticky!


almond flour

plant based protein powder (optional)

maple syrup or honey

peanut butter

sea salt

splash of pure vanilla

dark chocolate chips (add in after)

After you have combined all your ingredients for the cookie dough in your blender or food processor and you’re happy with the taste you can mix in your dark chocolate chips and enjoy a little taste because it’s so good you can’t resist eating some along the way! I want some right just just writing this it’s so good, I mean just look at that beautiful bowl of cookie dough! Wow, I really out did myself with this one!

Making the Protein Balls

Now that you have your cookie dough all mixed with your dark chocolate chips you can begin to roll or scoop them into small -medium sized balls! This batter will naturally be on the more sticky side but you should still be able to work with it, what I do is wet my hand a little bit (not too much) and shake them off a bit and it makes it much easier when your using your hands directly on the dough! This recipe will make you a lot of chickpea balls which is great because it’s so easy and quick! I also poke in a couple more chocolate chips into the balls once they are rolled out to give them a cute little touch!

Once you have all your Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein balls rolled out you will want to place them in the freezer and allow them to harden! I like to store mine in the freezer because I find they are too soft in the fridge! They store great in the freezer because they thaw out really fast anyway so they won’t get too soft before you get to eat it! They will also keep longer if you store them in the freezer as opposed to the fridge!

I can’t wait for you guys to try these Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls and see how good they are for yourselves! You will seriously become addicted to how good they are and they will become a staple for you! Talk soon! XX

Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Ball Recipe

Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls

A healthy, satisfying, energy-boosting protein ball that tastes just like cookie dough, I'm not kidding! Made with chickpeas and packed with so much goodness and sweetness too! These Chickpea Cookie Dough Protein Balls are the perfect grab and go protein snack, morning bite, or the perfect ball of deliciousness for your late night cookie dough craving!
Course Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Keyword Chickpea, cookie dough, protein balls
Prep Time 5 minutes
Author Easton Gilowski


  • 1 can Chickpeas
  • cup Almond Flour sub for oat flour
  • ½ cup Peanut Butter
  • ¼ cup Pure Maple Syrup sub honey or I do half and half
  • 1 scoop Plant-based Protein Powder optional to make protein balls
  • 1 tsp Sea Salt
  • 1 splash Vanilla
  • Dark Chocolate Chips mix in desired amount at the end


  • Drain and rinse your can of chickpeas, then place them in your food processor or food blender.
  • Add in the almond flour, maple syrup, honey, peanut butter, protein powder, vanilla, and salt and mix until all combined.
  • Now you should have a beautiful, creamy, and thick texture that resembles cookie dough! Taste test and make sure it is at your desired sweetness! Add in more honey or maple syrup to add some more sweetness!
  • Once your cookie dough is all mixed and combined add in your desired amount of dark chocolate chips and fold them in evenly.
  • Roll out your cookie dough into small-medium sized balls and place them on a cookie sheet! Or just eat your cookie dough as is for a little treat! You may want to wet your hands slightly to help when working with the batter.
  • Place and store them in the freezer and enjoy at any time! These are sooo good!


If you find your batter is too sticky or thin just add some more almond flour, and if its too thick add some more peanut butter! 

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