A Dream Birthday Picnic; Planning The Perfect Picnic

planning the perfect picnic

A dream was what this day was. This was quite literally my dream birthday picnic. One of my absolute favourite things to do in the whole wide world is to have picnics. They can be anywhere, you have your favourite little foods, you’re in nature and your in complete peace because there is just so much happiness around you. You’re probably with someone you love or care about and its such a long lasting memory! I know I’m so soft and I loveeeeee it! No but seriously, you could have the most simplest snack, or you could go all out, but if your outside enjoying whatever type of landscape is around you and your choice of food, snack or lunch it’s just different! Picnics are just so fun for me, and I quite literally am obsessed with planning perfect picnics! Don’t get me wrong, I have had plenty incredible picnics that have involved very little to nothing, and they were just as beautiful and dreamy. There was this one, along the side of a beautiful perfectly circle lake, surrounded by huge deep green forest trees. It was breathtaking. I had just hopped in the lake, in nothing but my underwear because it was a spontaneous excursion. Then snacked on freshly smoked salmon, black sesame crackers, and beautiful local goats cheese. It was priceless and unplanned. You really don’t need much at all to enjoy food and nature. Buuuuuut I still wanted to share my extravagant picnic with you because it truly was just so dreamy and something I would just adore to document and remember forever < 3
planning the perfect picnic

Planning The Perfect Picnic

When I’m actually planning the perfect picnic there are always the main components that I start to think about first and foremost! The type of food/presentation, and where it’s actually going to be. This is really what will make your picnic truly dreamy! I love picnic locations that are stunning and places you typically wouldn’t eat your dinner or lunch, and the food really makes the overall experience so memorable! All your sense really engage with you when your on picnics, from the beautiful scenery to the flavours of the food, it’s what makes them such special and memorable moments! I just love picnics, forever and always! These are the main components that I always consider when I’m planning a dreamy picnic; food, location, set up, and of course my outfit lol! Now like I said, you don’t need any of this to actually have an incredible picnic experience, sometimes the best ones involve little to nothing. But for the ones that I’m inviting people to, or involve any type of celebrating, I just love to plan them and make them beautifully aesthetic! It sort of like a hobby?! Picnic Planning? YES! I’ll also link to everyhing I used, or cute similar options, as well as my outfit! Oh and some adorable picnic baskets, there’s a reason I have about 7…. I swear I use all of them!



Set up


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