Natural Beauty Habits I Live By: Holistic Self-Care

My beauty, skincare, and makeup routine has always changed over the years, but to be honest with you I am so happy they have become so much simpler and cleaner! I couldn’t be more grateful for finally understanding that less is more, and actually coming to understand what we put on our skin is just as bad as eating it! My skin and beauty care is something that I have always cherished and has been something that I look forward to. It is so important to me that it is done with products or ways that are natural, actually work, and feel good from the inside out!

While on my own self love journey I have realized how much more drawn I am to natural skin and beauty remedies that just feel so much cleaner and refreshing. Ever since making these changes and really listening to my own intuition when it comes to this I have never felt better inside and out! I really do think the simpler and cleaner the better when it comes to putting anything on our bodies. I mean our skin literally absorbs everything we put on it, and to be honest with you when you look at the ingredients in most generic skin care products, and yes even the ones you are buying at Sephora, they aren’t great for you or your skin. There is no reason why your skin would ever even need that long ass list of ingredients in the first place. I’m not saying there isn’t amazing skin care companies out there, of course there is! But you definitely don’t need to splurge on them if you don’t want to in order to have an amazing and refreshing skin care or beauty routine! You can also find amazing all natural skin care companies who have incredible and clean ingredients, who don’t prioritize price over quality of their products! One of my goals this year is to try some out and let you guys know what my favourites are!

I am really excited to share these natural beauty habits with you guys because ever since incorporating these into my daily routines, I feel so much better. They are so simple but make all the difference for me and maybe they will for you too! I have really found so much comfort in these natural beauty habits because they make me feel good from the inside out, it’s almost like they have become these health and beauty rituals for me. Maybe it’s the placebo effect, I don’t know, but they have all been such game-changers for me in how I feel about myself!! The energy and intention behind them all are what makes such a difference I think! So if you’re looking to incorporate more holistic and natural remedies into your beauty routine these are all ones I started with and have become my beauty and holistic self care staples!

My Natural Beauty Habits and Hacks

Lemon Water, Ginger Shots & Tea

Every single morning I love to start my day with both or at least one of the following, a cup of warm lemon water or tea, and one of my home made ginger shots, you can make here! This has been one of the most beneficial habits for me when getting my gut and brain connection back into balance. As we all know by now, our gut is our second brain, it literally determines how we look and feel! These three drinks have all changed my life when it came to my gut health. We store a lot of emotions here, and I just felt so blocked when it came to my gut health previously, and these really helped to soothe and ease my discomforts over time. Yes of course you have to be doing the emotional work as well right, nothing external is going to fix any issue you are having ever. Whether it’s skin issues, acne, body image, trust me when I say, it is all come from within first and these habits will work alongside you during the process of healing them. The ginger shots have helped me so much with releasing toxins and cleansing out by body, and I really noticed my complexion get so much brighter as time went on after continuously taking these!

I love to drink tea and I can’t believe I’m just recently becoming aware of all the benefits that tea offers! It’s honestly magic, the herbs and blends in certain teas have been used for sacred and ancient healing since so long ago! I love to drink peppermint and green tea for my skin and hair health, spearmint for bloating/gut health/digestion and turmeric tea for its incredible anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Almond Oil

I have recently become obsessed with almond oil, for a variety of reasons. It’s a very common ingredient in a lot of skin and beauty products because I remember reading that it helps prevent water loss from the skin, helping your skin/hair stay moisturized and refreshed for longer periods of time. Now instead of buying a moisturizer that might have almond oil in it with 15 other ingredients to keep shelf life high, I decided to just buy 100% almond oil and use that as my moisturizer! You can get this at any whole food or health store! Let me tell you, almond oil has completely helped change the tone and complexion of my skin! My face and skin stay moisturized and glowy for so much longer than any other cream or moisturizer! Almond oil is packed with Vitamin E, which is incredible when it comes to helping with lines, bumps, premature ageing, dry spots, sun damage and helps smooth and sooth your skin. When I put it on before bed I will notice in the morning how refreshed and smooth my skin is! It’s honestly a miracle oil! I run a little bit through my hair sometimes too! I love to mix it with a really pretty rose essential oil too, and wear it as a natural perfume on my neck and wrists!

Rose Water

The other product I ‘m obsessed with when it comes to my skin is all-natural rose water spray. I just give a couple of sprays of this on my face and it is the perfect way to begin or end your morning or night routine, it makes such a difference in my mood too. I love roses so much and of course I want to spray them on my face, and this smell is beyond! Rosewater comes from distilling rose petals with steam and turning this into its own water. I mean it’s no surprise to me that the petal of a rose is incredible for our skin considering how beautiful roses are. I mean they are the symbol of love! It’s so refreshing and I can’t get enough! I love the Rose Water from Saje, it’s probably one of my favourites! This rose water mist has been incredible in helping me reduce dryness or patchiness, and really created an even and smooth surface on my skin!

Face Shaping & Lymphatic Drainage

There are two skin tools that I use on my face and neck that I love so much! I use my rose quartz face roller and a Gua Sha. I think the most common misconception when it comes to skincare and taking care of your face, is that its not necessarily about what you are putting onto your face, but what you are doing to your face! Your face is a muscle, like any other part of your body. That is why working my face muscles and training them with these beautiful tools is something I like to do for many reasons! They help keep your skin tight and poised by working your face muscles, but it also is amazing at reducing inflammation and puffiness and helping with your lymphatic drainage. It feels so nice! Overall it is a must if you are wanting to sustain your amazing youthfulness, or to reduce puffiness and stress in the morning! I just watched some youtube videos on how to properly use them and shape your face, and it is so easy and feels so good! It kinda becomes addicting when you know you’re doing it right haha!

Epson Salt Baths

Okay now this might seem like nothing to you, but it’s most definitely not! If I had to pick only one thing on this list to do, it would be Epson Salt baths because this is like the ultimate beauty hack. It’s like a 4 in one, and you get to be in the bath! Using Epson Salts in your baths has so many benefits and I can’t get enough! They relax and calm you, which reduces so much stress and tension within your body, which alone has so many benefits to your health and beauty. They also help you release toxins and chemicals from your body and energetic field. These are things we all need in our lives. If you’re not clearing and cleansing your energetic field everyday before bed, it is crucial you do! We pick up on so many energies and auras that are not our own, so bathing in epson salts is great to help clear these! Baths are life-changing I swear. I don’t know what I would do without them. I never used to be someone who had baths all the time. I would always say “I don’t have time for that” or whatever the excuse was, but now I can’t go two days without one! For me personally, they are so important for me to clear my energy and reset back to myself, and they have definitely helped my overall skin health. I also love to get special bath salt blends from shamans or herbalists, they are so powerful too. They make them specialized for beauty, hormone balancing, healing etc!


Ok, I may have a slight addiction to Kombucha! If you have never tried Kombucha this is your sign to because it not only tastes delicious, but is another all-natural health and beauty gem! Kombucha is a fermented drink that is insanely high in probiotics and antioxidants. I can honestly say that Kombucha has helped me reduce bloating and digestion issues after eating a meal. I used to get bloated all the time after eating anything, now I drink a glass with lunch or dinner, or just throughout the day and oh my gosh it really just helps keep you feeling light and energized for the day! It’s safe to say that I’m obsessed! This brand is my go to, I love how clean and real the ingredients are! I love to drink it out of wine or champagne glasses cause it’s fun and I don’t like wine lol! It’s also an excellent and yummy way to release toxins from your body and digestive tract because of its antibacterial properties. Remember anything that is going to help your gut health, is going to make every other part of your life better, beauty & health, sleep, relationships, because your gut really is your second brain, everything stems from there!

Mushroom Blends

I can’t even begin to explain to you the benefits of mushrooms and what they have to offer us in pretty much every aspect of living! When it comes to natural health and wellness, mushrooms are pretty much your best friend. I believe that mushrooms are the truest superfood! Functional mushrooms which I am talking about are not psychedelics, meaning they won’t get you high, although those can be incredible too when used with intention! The amount of healing properties, antioxidants, and incredible benefits functional mushrooms offer to us is insane to me! It blows my mind how more people aren’t aware of them! I can already see with this growing knowledge the companies who are capitalizing on this and offering incredible products that will elevate your health and wellness to the next level! The products I have tried from Eversio Wellness are so amazing and really do make a difference in your every day! They’re also just an amazing company over all, and their research is so cool! I have also tried a local company here where I live called Vital Alchemy, and I loved their products too! The blends and capsules help with energy levels, stress, sleep, hormones, focus, I mean they literally have their own natural intelligence and when incorporated with the human intelligence you can see astonishing results.


My last self care and beauty staple, meditation! You might think it has nothing to do with beauty, but actually has so much to do with how we look and feel and ultimately show up as ourselves. Meditation has been something that has completely changed my life; how I look and feel. I wrote a whole blog on my meditation journey here and I go into more detail about that over there! After I started meditating consistently I noticed how much more alive my face looked, my skin got brighter and clearer, and I have even noticed how my eyes are getting bigger and more green! They used to be more hazel growing up, but now they are totally the most beautiful green! I hardly wear any makeup anymore, and my natural beauty just flourished coming from the inside out! Don’t get me wrong some days I don’t meditate or I’ll go through stages when I do it less, even if its just 10 minutes a day, I promise you will notice changes in how you look and feel! This is also an amazing practice if you are wanting to manifest clearer skin, or maybe longer hair, you may think this is out there but meditation is how I have changed the thickness of my hair, the shape of my nose and is a huge contribution to my glowy skin! In this state of stillness and the power of your visualization your mind does not know the difference between what is real in the physical or what is real in your imagination! Isn’t that so incredible? I think so!

I hope my natural beauty habits help you in any way you desire, and that you can too see the amazing impacts of these holistic self-care practices! If you have any of your own that you would like to share, or maybe an all-natural product or company you love, I would seriously love to know! Just comment below and I’ll get back to you! xx

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